Merkadia Business Intelligence

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Immersion in CRM: From theory to practice in the daily lives of sales teams

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) practices are a fundamental point for the growth of a company's commercial results. CRM is known to be the software to help customer relationship management. However, it is a methodology where the software is a tool to support this management.

The implementation of CRM practices and tools may encounter some problems, such as: difficulty in adopting the CRM culture due to the lack of engagement of the commercial team, not knowing how to put the methodology into practice in the day-to-day of the company, difficulty in supplying information in the tool , not knowing how to use data from different reports and take advantage of this information strategically.

In addition, it is essential to have a sales funnel and a well-defined commercial process for its full implementation.

This workshop aims to help implement CRM culture in companies, implementing a commercial process, sales funnel, follow-up of results, and interpretation of the generated data. 

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Neste treinamento você encontrará
  • CRM fundamentals;

  • Relationship as a competitive differential;

  • Customer portfolio;

  • Marketing of relationship;

  • Sales funnel;

  • After-sales CRM;

  • Generation and interpretation of essential reporting data;

  • CRM to assist marketing strategies.

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